Call for Book Reviews : New University

The Graduate Journal of Social Sciences seeking book reviews for the upcoming issue (June 2011) on the effects of the “new university” structure around the world. We are very interested in hearing from graduate students and early-career scholars who have a particular area or book they would like to review on the aforementioned topic.

Suggested themes include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussions of how shifts in funding and education policy are changing the types of projects getting funded and the types of research that can be conducted.
  • Examinations of methods and tactics taken during various student-led actions, including responses by administrations, other members of the student body, and by the media.
  • Critical reflections (or experiences) of how these new and evolving circumstances can be approached methodologically.

Beyond books, reviews can also cover current or relevant academic debates, movies, documentaries, art, etc.

At this time we also have four specific books available for review:

  • The Reinvention of Mexico: National Ideology in a Neoliberal Era (2010), Gavin O’Toole.
  • Smog Check: Science, Federalism, and the Politics of Clean Air (2010), Douglas S. Eisinger.
  • Thomas Pogge and His Critics (2010), Alison Jaggar.
  • Research Realities in the Social Sciences: Negotiating Fieldwork Dilemmas (2011) by Gregory Szarycz